5 money saving tips with doTERRA!
One of the biggest hesitations I come across for people looking to get started with oils is cost. I can strongly relate because 8 years ago this was me! I debated about purchasing my first starter kit for over a year until finally I decided I couldn’t go another day without them. When it comes to deciding whether or not YOU are ready to uplevel your lifestyle, there are a few things to consider:
Timing is everything. Intuitively you will know when the time is right for you to bring these natural solutions into your home. They shouldn’t be an added source of stress or overwhelm, and we definitely don’t want them collecting dust on a shelf hidden in your closet!
You’ll never know the value of essentials oils until you start using them. It’s easy to say something is too expensive before you’ve experienced it. Once you see, smell + feel them working for you, you’ll quickly realize how priceless they truly are.
Now, before we get into my money saving tips, there are a few important things we need to talk about - quality and cost per drop.
Quality Matters!
We’re all familiar with the phrase “you get what you pay for”. Well, this is especially important here because not all essential oils are created equal.
Did you know most essential oils on the market are adulterated? Companies can label a bottle of Lavender as 100% pure as long as there is some percentage of 100% pure lavender in that bottle (oftentimes as little a 5%!). The rest could be fillers, synthetics, or other diluting agents. Infuriating and misleading isn’t it?!
Fortunately doTERRA has our backs! Check out their Source to You website for third party testing results + complete company transparency. FYI no other company on the market is providing this information and that should tell you something right there ;) doTERRA oils are certified pure therapeutic grade which means they are pure and effective. Quite often you’ll get the desired results with just one drop!
Price per Drop
Next, a little image I’d like you to take in. Typically when people say oils are expensive I like to break it down for them.
You read above that doTERRA oils are pure and effective and in many cases you can use just one drop (PSA - if you ever come across an oil or company that suggests 10 drops in a diffuser blend drop it and run!). In a 15ml bottle there are approximately 250 drops, and in a 5ml bottle approximately 85 drops. When we break down the price per drop and the number of drops in a bottle they can actually become quite affordable!
Of course some oils are going to be daily use, meaning you’ll go through them a bit faster, but others will be used as needed and will last a pretty darn long time.
5 ways to cut costs!
Ok now that we covered all that we can get into my favourite ways to cut costs as an oiler!
1. Split it up
When it comes to oils I need them everywhere! Because if they aren’t in a convenient spot, chances are I might not use them. Like do I need a bottle of Lavender in the bedroom AND the bathroom? YES obviously! So…hold onto your empty oil bottles! When you purchase another bottle split half into the old one and you’ll have 2 for the price of 1!
2. Good to the last drop (or squeeze)
Did you know that when your oil bottle seems empty it’s actually not? Remove the plastic orifice on top of the bottle and you’ll be rewarded with up to 10 bonus drops of oil!
Same goes for your tubes of toothpaste and Deep Blue Rub. Cut those babies in half and you’ll have at least a week’s worth of extra product!
As my mom always says….waste not, want not!
3. Just add water
Desperate times call for desperate measures right?! Well consider me desperate because I’ve been known to add a lil’ water to my products to stretch them out. Shampoo, conditioner, On Guard foaming hand wash, Abode dishwashing soap, just to name a few ;) And they work just as well!
4. Make your own
You know how doTERRA sell On Guard roller bottles? Ya well they also sell the On Guard oil, fractionated coconut oil, and empty rollers which means you can make your own! Don’t pay for the fancy version when you have a more affordable option. Watch my video on how to make a roller to see just how easy it is :)
5. DIY
There are so many green cleaning and personal care products you can make yourself using a few simple ingredients. The bonus being that you’ll benefit from lowering your toxic load but you’ll also be spending less money!
Check out the doTERRA blog for some great ideas.
Diluting your Oils
Want to make your oils last longer AND use your oils more effectively?! Don’t forget to dilute! Here are a few reasons why:
doTERRA oils are potent + pure which means they are VERY strong. Diluting will ensure safe application when using your oils topically (especially for children + my fellow sensitive skin girlies!)
Essential oils are considered volatile aromatic compounds which means when exposed to air they can evapourate quite quickly. By adding a carrier oil when applying essential oils, it helps the oils stick around a lot longer AND increases the surface are for oils to be absorbed.
Shelf Life
By diluting with a carrier oil you’ll be using way less essential oil in your applications. Try keeping some roller bottles on keep to make this easy + convenient!
Did you know some rollers come diluted while others don’t?
If you have a roller that comes full strength you can divide into 2 or 3 other empty rollers + top each up with carrier oil to stretch your oils and/or decrease intensity of the blend.
Customer Rewards
Saving money is great, but there are also some fun ways for you to earn points + doTERRA dollars to apply to your orders. I don’t know about you but free always sounds good to me!
Loyalty Rewards Program
Earn points on your orders for being a loyal customer!
Refer a Friend
Share your custom link with friends + earn doTERRA dollars to apply to your personal orders!
I hope you’ll put some of these cost cutting tips to work! Don’t forget to keep your eyes + ears open for special doTERRA offers throughout the year. These are great times to stock up! If you have any questions, I’m here to help you answer them. Happy saving!